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The First Educational Materials for Secondary Vocational Schools on the net.kabinet

пре 2 године

With the materials created for electrical engineering schools, Petlja has extended support for the teaching of IT subjects in schools

We are very proud of the fact that with these newly published materials, we provide educational materials for all grades of primary schools and high schools, including the majority of subjects taught in specialized IT classes. Furthermore, this year, the team of authors engaged by the Petlja Foundation started creating educational materials designed for secondary vocational schools. Materials have been published for the subjects Programming 1 and Programming 2 for electrical engineering schools, which can be used for the educational profiles of information technology electrical technician and computer technician. About 3,400 students enrol in these two educational profiles in Serbia annually.


This step represents significant progress in our effort to provide comprehensive support to teachers in the implementation of teaching that includes areas of information technology.


All materials are free and available on the online platform net.kabinet, as open educational resources.


Educational materials designed for secondary vocational schools were created within the project “Building Key Computing Competencies - Towards the Workforce of the Future” coordinated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the Petlja Foundation serving as the implementation partner. The project is also implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.