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Donirajte na

Your support is necessary for us to achieve the goal of enabling young generations to develop the digital skills needed for the jobs of the future.

By donating, you enable us to achieve the goal through:

  • Direct work with young people:Camps, online workshops, educational events.

  • Innovating education: Integration of new technological advancements into the process of lesson preparation and learning.

  • Online materials: Make education accessible to all by supporting open educational resources.

  • Empowering teachers:Enhance the quality of education by supporting the organization of specialized training, workshops, and conferences for teachers nationwide.

The loop loops the loop...

With your support, many more exciting projects await us.

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*By making a payment, you accept the general terms and conditions of donations

If the donation process is unclear, or if there is mistrust in online payment systems, there is also a more traditional way to donate.

You need to fill out a payment slip like the example below and make the payment at the nearest post office or bank.

*By making a payment, you accept the general terms and conditions of donations

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